
Attorneys Use the Art of Persuasion All the Time

Attorneys use the art of persuasion all the time in depositions and trials. In depositions they want to get the person giving the answers to respond the way the attorney wants them to so they can make a stronger case. From the moment they enter the courtroom they are trying to persuade the jury to agree with their version of what happened. The VVDailyPress based in Victorville Ca. reports that this requires a lot of skill and experience which Supervising Deputy District Attorney Britt Imes definitely has and he lectures other attorneys on his techniques.

The art of persuasion is a tool many attorneys use all the time. Photo Courtesy of

"He said trial is a process — starting with jury selection, then making an opening statement to summarize the case, presenting witnesses and physical evidence, and concluding with a closing argument to explain why jurors should find the defendant guilty."

“You don’t win or lose a case in the closing argument,” Imes said. Whether it’s a speech or a trial, “it’s how you build a persuasive case as a whole,” he said.

"Just as lawyers can’t win a case with just oratory skills, persuasive presentations need more than dazzling words. They need evidence to prove the point. But usually in trial, the evidence comes in bits and pieces and it’s up to the attorneys to put them together so they make sense to the jurors."

“There are things that are important and there are things that are not,” Imes said. “Where our oratory skills become important is how we weave these ingredients together. To effectively communicate ideas, Imes suggests a few things."

"He said humor makes audiences receptive to what he says. Although he doesn’t tell jokes to jurors during a murder trial, he focuses on making them smile in jury selection."

"He is a big believer in using visual aids to reinforce his speech. Many prosecutors now rely on PowerPoint slides in closing arguments to explain abstract legal concepts."

"Imes also encourages people to use metaphors and analogies in presentations. To explain the idea of circumstantial evidence to his jury, Imes tells the following story: You find an open jar with the last cookie gone. You look around and find your two kids, one with crumbs on the face."

“Every time you use that example, I always see that nod in the crowd because every parent has experienced that,” he said.

"But Imes’ biggest strength seems to come from his passion and faith in what he does, making him appear assertive, confident and genuine.

“He shows exactly the way things are. He’s not there to sell snake oil,” fellow prosecutor Robert Brown said. “Our goal is to seek justice, not to dazzle jurors with words. ... He absolutely believes in what he does. To me that’s the most effective way to be persuasive.”

I hope this article demonstrates how covert hypnosis and persuasion techniques can be useful in your own life, even if you are not a fancy attorney. You can begin learning covert hypnosis today and just like attorneys, use the art of persuasion all the time. 

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Covert Hypnosis Becomes a Tool For Successful Women

In the right hands covert hypnosis becomes a tool for successful women like the author of a new book called Persuasion, Arlene Dickinson wants women to know that they are in control of their lives and they can also be more in control of the people around them. The first part of the interview with Arlene appearing in the Huff Post out of Canada explores how and why Arlene became an entrepreneur and then she goes on to discuss how the art of persuasion has helped her in her life to get what she wants and needs. Arlene is an example of how covert hypnosis becomes a tool for successful women

Covert persuasion is a powerful tool for successful women.

"By the time Arlene Dickinson was 30, she was divorced with four kids, had no savings and a high school diploma. Today, she's one of the country's most influential entrepreneurial leaders. Here's how the Dragons' Den co-star and CEO of Venture Communications used the art of persuasion to achieve success (and how you can, too)."

How has persuasion helped you?

"It's helped me significantly. You can't do anything on your own. At the end of the day, you do need support and need somebody to take a leap of fate with you. Sometimes, because you have a vision, it doesn't mean you're going to get anything done. For me, persuasion has helped me to get people to follow my vision, to believe in me and my efforts. It's been a critical part of my life."

What tips do you have for women who want to get ahead in business?

"To try to not play the feminist role. I always say I'm not a woman in business, but I'm a person in business who happens to be a woman. Emotion is not a dirty word. Instead of making excuses or trying to quell the emotional capacity we have, we should be embracing it and utilizing it in a positive manner and not making excuses for who we are."

"Everybody shows emotion in some way and the truth of the matter is nobody will ever do anything for you in business unless they're emotionally connected to you -- and women do that better than anyone."

What is your advice for the younger generation of women interested in business?

"They have to be confident and be able to illustrate why they deserve a place at the boardroom table. Women fought that fight 50 years ago to get into the workforce and for equality -- now we need to show up and bring value to the boardroom table.

I think young women in particular need to realize their career will likely take a different path than men's will, they have to embrace that too. They might have kids, they might get married or move cities; those are things most women deal with and not men."

The business world is the place women need every advantage they can get. Even with the changes in recent decades for women in business there is still a basic inequality that remains a problem women need to overcome. Covert hypnosis becomes a powerful tool to for successful women to use at meetings and gatherings when you need to make a lasting impression or convey extreme confidence in your proposal or presentation.

Learn more about how to covert hypnosis can benefit you. Add your comments or questions below

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