
Covert Hypnosis is Only One Form of Persuasion

Covert hypnosis is only one form of persuasion. There are many ways to use the sound of your voice, body language, specific words,  touch, and appearance to persuade others to follow your thinking and do what you suggest. The art and science (and it is both) of persuasion calls upon many skills and resources. The article featured today found on shows that covert hypnosis is only one form of persuasion that you can learn to bring more confidence and success to your life and to the lives of others.

Covert hypnosis is only one form of persuasion. Public speaking uses several types of persuasion techniques.


Getting Someone to Agree With You

"Being able to be persuasive is a skill that is important in the working world and can help you in your personal relationships as well. Persuasiveness is the ability to make someone else agree with what you are saying, whether they are agreeing that a certain product is a good investment or they are agreeing with a personal belief you have."

"The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle said there are three things you must use to be persuasive: ethos, pathos and logos. Ethos uses trust to convince someone, pathos appeals to a person’s emotions, and logos uses evidence and logic as a means to persuade someone."

Verbal Techniques

"When you are trying to persuade someone of something, you must talk to them to get them to see your point. There are many verbal techniques you can use to make your point of view seem right and appealing. For instance, using big words makes you seem knowledgeable and therefore right. Other verbal techniques include using a loud, convincing voice, repeating certain phrases or words, interrupting the other person and making sure you get the last word."

Physical Techniques

"Although you can’t use physical action to make someone listen to your point, you can use subtle physical techniques to persuade someone. For example, standing on a podium when delivering a message makes you seem tall and authoritative, and people are more apt to be persuaded by your words. Other physical techniques include using wide hand gestures or looking people directly in the eyes to establish trust."

Combination Techniques

"The most effective way to persuade your audience is to use a combination of verbal and physical techniques. The next time you watch a powerful figure deliver a speech, notice how they combine physical gestures along with words to really get their point across. When you are trying to convince someone of your point, use an authoritative tone and convincing words and look them in the eye as you talk."

Other Techniques

"Although verbal and physical techniques are the main techniques people use to be persuasive, there are other factors that play into how persuasive you are. Another way to be persuasive is using your personal appearance. Someone who is dressed in a suit and tie is more persuasive than someone in casual clothes because his appearance makes him look more credible. Your general stubbornness is also an attribute in being persuasive because if you refuse to give up, you are more likely to succeed in persuading someone of something."

Persuasion isn't an "all or nothing" endeavor either, it sometimes comes in stages and sometimes people will agree with you on one subject but not on another. The article mentions that your level of determination can be a factor as well as your confidence in yourself, this is very true. If you try a technique and it doesn't work right away don't lose confidence, project it! You'll notice the difference in others reactions to you immediately and because covert hypnosis is only one form of persuasion, make sure you are aware of and integrating all possible and appropriate techniques for your purpose.

Have you begun using covert hypnosis techniques? What is holding you back?

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STEALTH HYPNOSIS - Ways To Hypnotize Someone In Just A Few Seconds

Ways To Hypnotize Someone In Just A Few Seconds

The truth is that the best hypnosis is actually usually the fastest so when I get asked a question about how to hypnotize someone in just a few  seconds I get really excited because thats exacty the way I like to do it.


 Remember that hypnosis is technically the bypass of the critical factor of theconsious mind and the establishment of acceptable selective thinking. Therefore anything that has the power to re-orient or bypass a persons ability to make rational logical judgements and distinctions is the best way to hypnotize someone in just a few seconds.

So here in a nutshell are some really quick ways you can hypnotize a person in just few seconds..

A. Massive Emotional Overload

anything that super charges or intensifiies emotional arousal is a gateway to trance. you just have to make sure the trance you are inducing is one you can control.

Positive emotions and sensations if strong enough will bypass the critical factor just as powerfully as a negative just also have to remember that the kind of suggestions you give to these people WILL be colored by the emotional trance states they are in so choose your state wisely.

 B. Tell a story,

one of the fastest ways in history to hypnotize a person or a group of people is to simply tell a story. Hypnotic storytelling aka metaphors are powerful beyond belief in bypassing and reorienting a persons critical factor. I always helps to start with once upon a time when you can fit it in because that particular phrase is a massive cultural anchor that triggers suspension of the critical factor and often "time distortion" within your subject as well.

C. Ask them an age related question

- This one is sneaky and I teach about it extensively in my Hypnotic Attraction Secrets Video included with my STEALTH HYPNOSIS CRASH Course.

The simple truth is anything that causes a person to mentally go back in time to remember something causes a powerful gateway to trance that can be leveraged into an instant attraction or connection in 15 minutes or less. An Attraction that is darn near unstoppable if you follow the right steps. its easy but you have to know the particulars. Check out the Stealth-Hypnosis Course To Learn Exactly How To Use This Method

D. Shock or pattern interrupt them

 Doing this well takes either balls of steel or genius comic timing or both. Human beings are pattern generating and operating machines. The minute you interrupt a persons pattern they momentarily go into confusion. In hypnotic terms this is called a loss of mental equilibrium. The resulting confusion can be used to inject hypnotic suggestions or deepen the trance state further, In fact in S.T.E.A.L.T.H.  we teach you exactly what three words to use to interrupt any anyones pattern at any time and redirect their thoughts where you want them to go. Check it out here

Well right there you have four unbeatable methods to rapidly hypnotize someone, many times without them even knowing it in just a few seconds,.

To learn more I invite you to read about my private STEALTH HYPNOSIS training portal. Its private, and its powerful you can be hypnotizing people in just a few seconds starting today.

Go here now to check it out

Until next time.

Trance the World and Take Names.

David V.

aka "The Master"