
Hypnosis In the News…

North Port High principal suspended over hypnosis

Did a high school principles hypnotizing of a North Port High Student contribute to his Suicide? All evidence says not but a a concerned school board has suspended the principle pending further investigation. Can hypnosis. Was Hypnosis to blame? Read the article below and make your own decision.

North Port High School Principal George Kenney says he will no longer hypnotize students in the wake of the suicide of Wesley McKinley, whom Kenney hypnotized the day before his death. (Photo provided by Sarasota County schools. ...

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When you are finished. Let me know your thoughts. Do you think this principle did something wrong? Or is he merely a scapegoat for the system?

Hypnotic Attraction Power: How To Make Sure Hypnosis Will Work

4 Pillars of Unstoppable Hypnotic Influence: Pillar #2 Attractivity

A lot of people think that, that, if they don't make a good first impression that they're dead in the water.

It's not true. K?

There's a far more powerful principle You Can Apply to Increase Your Own Level of Attractiveness. It's just more long term.

That principle is called the familiarity principle

In other words, the more times somebody sees you, even if it's for a few minutes every day or a minute in passing, the more attractive you become.

So, the people who are rated a five on the first meeting, after about a month of seeing them once or twice a week, they're going to go up to a six or seven.

You become familiar and that breeds a level of comfort, attractiveness that becomes very, very useful.

You know, there's a reason why when people joke about how sometimes a child doesn't look like her father.

They say the milkman must've been over or the mailman came over. Why? Who do they see everyday?

The milkman. The maid. The postman.

The boy next door. The girl next door.

The gardner. The pool person. Why? They see them everyday or every other....On a consistent basis over time.

The level of  attractivity goes up.



The video featured above is a powerful example of the power words have to create the frame, or in many case to modify the frame or meaning around a particular event or situation. This video is dramatization of a principle thats been around for a long time but one we can learn from very deeply.

Think always about the feelings that will most naturally lead people to automatically choose to do what you want and more often than not you don't have to work very hard to make them do something. In the world of human minds, feelings win more often than logic, reason or rationalization.

Awsome Video.

Think about that when using the steatlh language patterns and you are on your way to an unstoppable life.

Trance the World and Take Names.

Your Loyal Friend and Hypnosis Mentor

David Van Arrick

aka "The Master"