We just added a brand new bonus video to the stealth conversational…

Hypnotic Attraction Secrets - Group Infiltration Rapport Technique

  VIBING vs Rapport - Group Infiltration Techniques Hypnotic…

Hypnotic Attraction Secrets - The Ugly Truth About Attraction

Just posted a cool little snippet from my Hypnotic Attraction…

The Corporate Covert Hypnosis Connection

Okay, For some folks this is a consumers worst nightmare. …

Criminal Hypnosis? Really?

People often ask “Can you really make someone do something…

Is Conversational Hypnosis No Longer Effective?

There seems to be some dispute going on as to whether or not…

Covert Hypnosis–Street Hypnosis Demo With Darren Brown

One of the most important methods of doing covert or “street”…