Hypnosis Training - Learn Hypnosis How To Make Anyone Believe Anything You want

11 replies
  1. Black Arrow says:

    Hi David,

    It seems to me that your model of conversational hypnosis emphasizes a lot of process language words like automatically, easily etc. in order to put people into a waking trance. Other covert hypnosis teachers emphasize the emotional aspect of trance. They use imagery and description in order to elicit an emotion.

    I’m sure both styles use description AND process language.But I am confused as to what should be the “goal” of covert hypnosis?

    1.Should the “goal” be to put them into a waking trance? Or should it get them to feel an emotion?

    2. If there are two styles of trance (emotional & waking trance) which situations would you use each one?

    • David Van Arrick
      David Van Arrick says:

      The goal of all forms of conversational hypnosis or any influence system for that matter. Is neither emotional induced trance nor is it waking trance. The goal is compliance. STEALTH automatically generates waking trance, all emotional states are waking trances. It’s only a question of degree.

      To answer your questions in order, please reference my explanation regarding emotional states being a form of waking trance. The traditional model of “hypnosis” assumes that there is “one” standard universal state of being “awake” i.e. “not in trance”. STEALTH Does Not Embrace That very old model.

      STEALTH and the CPI and KILLER INFLUENCE Systems From which it is derived work on the basis that there is No “non-trance state” or baseline psycho-emotional state. All states that human beings experience are a form of trance. It’s just that some trance states are more conducive to the generation of certain phenomenon than others.

      So first things first, your subjects are already in a trance state or “waking trance” The moment you begin applying the stealth patterns you begin to shift that particular trance state they are in towards one that is “hopefully” more conducive to obtaining compliance to your outcome. Trance as we define it in this particular system is a combination of two factors - Absorption in the experience combined with a continuously narrowing focus of attention.

      That is the trance formula we embrace.

      Now, as far as emotions go, emotions are a key player in everything we do. Emotions cause subjective focus of attention, the subliminally influence what pieces of data we consciously pay attention to and predispose us toward certain behaviors outside of conscious awareness.

      It’s important to remember that STEALTH LEVEL One is designed as an Quick But Powerful Introduction To The CPI System and Ultimately Killer Influence, which is the complete study of hypnotic operators and covert hypnosis.

      Tapping and manipulating emotional states is covered in much greater detail at the higher levels.

      The STEALTH patterns are only the linguistic component.

      With regard to your Second Question - IF there are two styles of trance (emotional and waking trance) which situations would you use each one.

      The short answer is… which ever one seems most appropriate to the situation.

      The long answer is a bit more, well, involved.

      To come dangerously close to sounding like Bandler and Grinder,

      “There is no such thing as a style of trance, Everything is a style of trance”

      Remember The key factor in trance is

      A. The level of absorption in the experience you are creating, combined with
      B. a continuously narrowing focus of attention.

      The secret is to combine the “styles” of trance, (to use your vernacular) in a synergistic way that best suits the subject and the situation.

      One particular context may require you to heavily engage emotions and body feelings, like in a seduction or romantic context.

      Whereas in a business negotiation, or sales context you may need to subliminally tap into emotions while “appearing” to consciously be focusing on ‘data” i.e. facts and figures.

      The STEALTH patterns are versatile enough to do all of that and more.

      They are the most fundamental components of our language and therefore are the most universally applicable without having to rely on confusion patterns or metaphor.

      Simply using them properly automatically increases absorption in the experience and “cognitive load” which is proven to increase compliance and rapidly remove resistance to persuasive appeals.

      With regard to emotional influence:

      In CPI we spend a great deal of time teaching advanced rapport and state control protocols whereby we literally induce feeling and emotional states in people “non-verbally” that automatically engage certain pre-conscious filters thus predisposing our subjects to think,feel and thus behave along the lines we desire.

      Killer Influence takes the CPI system and expands it beyond even that, into the entire realm of Covert Hypnotic Operators.

      Well that was a pretty long dissertation.

      Key points -

      - emotions are waking trances,

      - each emotional state causes the subject to focus on certain elements of reality while disregarding, distorting or
      deleting other elements that are not conducive to perpetuating the state.

      - Emotions are always important, We just don’t make a distinction between an emotional trance and a “waking” trance
      because human beings are never NOT in trance.

      Hope that helps.


  2. Black Arrow says:

    Thanks for answering David.

    So if I wanted to get someone to feel curious and I said either:

    Example 1: If you were to easily, quickly and naturally begin
    to BECOME CURIOUS, in the fact that, just before you FEEL ANTICIPATION but after
    you GET INTRIGUED you can…etc.

    Which emphasizes hypnotic language.


    Example 2:On Christmas eve, I would run down the stairs and I could see this
    huge majestic wall of presents all around the Christmas tree. I would start to
    FEEL THIS BURNING CURIOSITY as to which ones were mine. I noticed this green smooth rectangular box
    with a bright red bow that had my name on it and I could just FEEL THIS INTENSE ANTICIPATION
    as to what was inside the box…etc.

    Which emphasizes the descriptive imagery.

    Are you saying that both of these “styles” would work to produce the intended outcome? Or is it better to combine the 2 in order to be more powerful and influential?

    • David Van Arrick
      David Van Arrick says:

      I like your second example better. Your description creates more absorption in the experience and is more likely to generate curiosity in your subject. I would also open with the Magic Tag Question. _ “Have you ever?” this causes your subject to access times in their life when they actually felt the state process or experience you are naming. Getting the subject to access their own examples and associate them to you is always a more powerful way to create the states you are looking for.

      Both are great examples by the way. Its just that when the persuasion attempt is too jarring, and not enough absorption is created it generates an unconscious resistance to the persuasion message. I go into great detail on resistance and dealing with it effectively in level 2 of the STEALTH Protocols.

      Let me know if you have any questions.

      Keep up the great work.


  3. The Silver says:

    Hi David…. I want to ask you this!!! at around @3:23 of the above video, did you gesture towards yourself while saying : “have an excuse to hang out with that person”? If yes, then may I ask why i didn’t detect any change in the tonality while embedding the command?

    Thank you for sharing.

    • David Van Arrick
      David Van Arrick says:

      Hi Silver,

      There is a difference between an analog marking and an embedded command. While they can be done at the same time. they don’t have to be. Also, many times my tonal shifts are very subtle. Great Question Though. Keep studying and let me know if you have any other questions.


  4. script to hypnotize someone says:

    I almost never comment, however i did a few searching
    and wound up here Hypnosis Training - Learn Hypnosis How To Make
    Anyone Believe Anything You want — S.T.E.
    A.L.T.H. Hypnosis. And I actually do have some questions for
    you if you are posting at additional social sites,
    I would like to follow anything fresh you have to post.
    Would you list of the complete urls of all your social sites like your linkedin
    profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?

  5. David Van Arrick
    David Van Arrick says:

    I post mostly on facebook and http://www.coverthypnosis.com although this site is picking up a lot of traffic. I think the students who come here are of varying experience levels with regard to hypnotic arts.

    As such, from my perspective there is no such thing as a “Brain Dead” or stupid question. You can often tell a persons skill level in “real world” terms by the type and quality of the questions they ask.

    I do think the students and subscribers to this site are serious seekers of hypnosis information that is rapidly usable and creates real results in the real world where it counts.

    I also think those that spend time here, quickly discover a faster easier and more effective way to induce and deliver hypnotic suggestions and get results faster using the STEALTH Protocols.

    The Principles that DRIVE The STEALTH System are NOT the same as those that guide the more “ericksonian hypnosis based systems. Its that distinction which makes STEALTH So Effective.

    Hope that kind of helps you understand a bit about the people who study STEALTH hypnosis.

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